All posts by Chu-3

About East Tower

I saw a lot of comments which say East Tower’s main character, Sakuya is a transgender.

She is not :/

The theme of this game is more about, how to accept your true self.

The MC, Sakuya is born in an old fashioned Asian family.
It’s a family which think that a girl should speak using “watashi”, should wear dress, should be able to cook etc.
That kind of family might be rare now, but it is not completely disappeared.
If you want more extreme examples; there is still family which says that a wife is obligated to wake up earlier before her husband to prepare the breakfast, or need to wake up earlier than her mother in law. Or father who said that a  girl need to be able to take care of the housework because she must be a housewife in a future.
I’ve heard many stories like that; and many said that she wished to be born as a man.
Sakuya, is someone like them.

So why is she dressing like a man?
It’s comfortable to her, and beside that she wants to show a rebellion towards that custom. A kind of her stupid ego.

She choose to transform into a man in East Tower, only because she is curious and wants to know how will she feel if she looks like that.
It’s a game after all, you even can be an animal or others if you want to 😀

“She is a tomboy but then she turns into a feminine after she falls in love.”
She only tried to be more honest to herself :/

[spoiler title=”Spoiler” open=”0″ style=”1″]
In Akio: She stops her stupid ego and chooses to put a slight make-up, like what she wanted to.
In Takashi: It seems she has already been awesome to him from the beginning, and she simply decided to change her fashion to cute boyish fashion.
In Kuon: She doesn’t really change. But she also doesn’t hide what she really wants.
In Kurenai: No, I won’t tell you LOL[/spoiler]

I wrote this just to clarify some misunderstanding :/

Current Progress



Okay I’m really surprised when I found out that the last time I updated this blog is Oct 2014.
It’s around half year ago!!! orz…

I’m very sorry. There are too many things to do and I hardly update this blog.

Well then, to be truth I’m not sure from where I should start.
Maybe a lot of you has already known about the cafe 0 and duplicity release on Steam, so maybe I’d better speak about the next game.

The game, “How to Take Off Your Mask” is still in development.
My target is to release it at late Spring 2015, though if something happened I might postpone it until Summer 2015.
You can check the official website at here.
The length is  between Kuon and Kurenai route from East Tower.
Maybe some people are wondering if it will be like East Tower, a continuing story.
I must say… well… it might sound like it, but it will really end.
The case is finished within the game, and about the continuation, it all depends on the players’ reaction if I need to continue it or not.
Even if there’s a continuation in future, you won’t need to play the first game to understand the story.
Of course I want to make the continuation if I could, but I don’t want to only make this game for years like what I did with East Tower.
You’d better imagine a short story shoujo manga if you want to know what will this be.
My concept within this game is 1MC x 1 romancable guy. Don’t expect to romance the side characters within this game yet.
The side characters, might be the main romancable for the continuation game (with different MC).

And then for the current process:
Most of the sprites are done, also the scenario and the translation.
I only need to have it proofread and also I still need the CGs to be done.
If there’s nothing happened, I might release the PV at the end of this month of beginning of next month.
I plan to start a greenlight campaign once the PV and screenshots ready 🙂

For the East Tower which just got greenlit:
I won’t release this game so soon on Steam.
There are a lot of thing to test, and I want to finish the new game first before make the Steam version.
…And I still need to make the new Cafe 0 swt. Sometime I really hope if I can do kagebunshin no jutsu.

Okay then, see you next time 🙂


Steam, Amazon Appstore and the new otome game


First, I’m so sorry for abandoning this blog for quite a while –;; I’ve been very busy for various thing, and recently I just remembered that I haven’t even announced about the Steam Greenlight project I have. Ouch.

So here are they:

1. CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~

CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~

CAFE 0? Again? Maybe some of you will say that, even me. I must say CAFE 0, even if a lot of people hate it because it shows you the bad, evil side of human, is one of the most success game I have. This game is kinda choosing the player. If someone hate it they will hate it forever, and if they love it they will get addicted. My purpose when I made this game, was to make a game which people can’t forget, and able to move the player’s emotion. Actually I planned to add the new CAFE 0, CAFE 0 ~The Sleeping Beast~ to Steam for my first Steam game but… because of the personal circumstances I have here, I couldn’t do that. The game is still in production and I delayed it to next year, since I hope to use a pro illustrator who is very busy this year. Anyway, please help me to upvote it 😀

2. dUpLicity ~Beyond the Lies~


dUpLicity is the first otome game I’ve ever made. When I had the idea, I already worried because it was too dark. Can this kind of otome game sell well? Idk but I really wanted to make it. Then I made the first free version of duplicity as my first try in making game. I must say that I learned so many things from that game. before making the commercial version, I did my search on oelvn that time and I thought that I need to make a complex game play to make it sell well in western audience. This is wrong. Even though I enjoyed in writing the story, making the system was damn troubling me a lot. And then, many users told me that they couldn’t win. This made me stop making simulation system. I’m not saying all simulation is bad, but it’s not my cup of tea. And from the experience I know that something I can’t enjoy to make won’t make users fun in playing as well. That’s why I try to make the system more simple in my future games. Yet I got a lot of email saying that dUpLicity’s story is really good and people are thanking me for making the game. That’s why I won’t stop distributing this game. I plan to give the guide for free when the game released on Steam and stop the membersite btw 🙂 (not enough time to maintain it orz)

Continue reading Steam, Amazon Appstore and the new otome game

About the newest development info.

Hi again. Sorry for not updating the blog for a quite long time.

Well, actually I really hoped to not make this post but, I think I need to let you know what happen about my current situation.

People who has been following my tumblr might have already noticed this, but I’m currently stuck in Kyoto, Japan, without my main computer because an accident happened to my dad at March 28th, which made him completely paralyzed. My mom can’t speak Japanese well so I’ve been here since then to take care of paper works and translating the doctor’s explanation.
My dad is much better now. He once also got pneumonia as a complication to the surgery but it’s already cured.
Now he needs to concentrate to the rehabilitation until the beginning of August, which means I’ll still be here until then.

This situation kinda messed up my former plans. Things that are delayed:
1. East Tower affiliates (I’m trying to use my old backup, and if it’s possible I might start it at June)
2. East Tower Japanese version (Win/Mac) (I won’t be able to continue making this until August)
3. Production of the new Cafe 0 (I can only start designing the game for now, but the composer has finished making a draft song for the game OP.)

I also plan to make a short cute fantasy romance visual novel (otome game), but I won’t draw the characters (currently I ask Bakufu to design it), but I might design the clothes.
This otome game is a new try for me, since usually I made everything myself. I did this because in future, if my dad ask me to help him, I might not be able to make VN full-time like now.
If could, I hope to draw the BG myself, but if I have not enough time, I might use some BG materials.
I really hope everything to run smoothly.

Thank you again for your attention, and I’m sorry for all of the delays.




East Tower – Kurenai and East Tower Complete Edition are now released!

I’m sorry that I’ve been absent from this blog for a while 🙁
I’ve been busy in developing and testing the game, and when I thought that… I need to write something here, I already lost my energy LMAO

Anyway, finally the last part of East Tower is done! But for MAC and WIN only ^^;

Like what I’ve mentioned before, in this route you’ll be able to determine what the main character will be at the end based on your choices. The game is pretty long. Maybe 6-10 hours in my estimation. And… compare to the other three, this version is the most “wild” in suggestive meaning SWT.

The summary for Kurenai route is as below:
A dazzling light appeared as soon as the game started, and before she realized it, the other participants disappeared. However, she wasn’t alone. The redheaded man who should’ve disappeared as well stood before her. He initially seemed kind of strange, but ultimately they decided to move on together. Who is he? Is he the hacker, the one who has been causing trouble for everyone? Find out the truth about East Tower!

Opening 2:

I never thought that I would spend 2 years to make this game -.- While debugging I realized that my drawing style is pretty changed and sometime I can’t resist my desire to fix and fix it again… but it will make the game won’t be finished eternally T-T

Anyway, for iOS and Android version, please wait for a while until I can make the mobile version.

I need to redo some code, since animation files won’t work on mobile. Also, there are some mobile only bugs which made me need to test all of the version (Jap, English, ios, Android), and if I need around 10 hours to test 1 version, it means I will need 40 hours to test all of these ><

I’m so sorry but I want to make sure everything is fine before I release the game.

Just couple weeks again! Please wait it patiently! 🙂

About Android Issues

Okay, guys and girls, if you have bought any of roseVeRte apps on Android and got a glitch or crash or anything during playing, please send an email to support(at)
*change (at) to @

You might find option from Android to report the issue or something like that, but I can’t understand the issue reported by Android, since it gives me report in native java language which I don’t understand T-T and also, it doesn’t give me any information about you so I can’t reply to you directly.

Like some of you might already know, I build the game using Adobe Air and I’m clueless about the native language of Java (Android) or XCode (iOS). I can help you more if you tell me the game title, and how did you meet the issue. The issue you found might only occur on your device (as Android has too many kind of devices with each unique specs). Also, it might happen because of a corrupted save data, which means to fix it I need you to delete one or all of your save data inside your sdcard or internal memory.

As far I have 3 android devices, which one of them is not appropriate for my game because of the low specs. I’ll try to help you as far as I could do, but I need the actual information from you to fix it. I hope for your cooperation and thank you 🙂

This week schedule

And again here I am again. Wow it’s already October>< I’ m sorry for not updating this blog frequently.

Okay, so what am I doing. I’m preparing PC version for east tower – takashi and hopefully it will be released at the end of this week. Also for the long long East Tower- Kurenai, my Japanese proofreader has finished it ^^ so I can start making the script for the VAs.

I’m kinda afraid actually since i heard apple will reject apps with ermmm kissing voice which is kinda like “licking” something >< I feel this route will have things like that since I made it too… well you know :p

Like what I said before, there are 1 normal bad ending, 1 normal ending 2 harem ending(not really a good ending) and 4 true ending(depends on main character’s gender and personality, aggressive or passive)

… I hope I can finish this within this year. I hope and I try ><

now please excuse me to start to make the daihon for the vas ><


jaa ne (・ω・)ノシ

dUpLicity ~Beyond the Lies~ Android and some of East Tower – Kurenai information

Hi there!

Sorry for not updating this blog for quite a long time ^^;

So okay, I want to tell you that a week ago(?) I’ve released the android version of dUpLicity~Beyond the Lies~.

Demo (Free):
Full Version (10.00USD):

I use the ren’py porting function to port this one so… if you found any crash, I’m sorry that it might be caused by the engine which I can’t fix it myself ^^;

And then… for East Tower – Kurenai. Let’s see… what kind of information I can provide.

1. This game might be the longest within the East Tower series. I’ve been thinking to split this into two, but then it seems that I can’t do it at iOS (I will need to use In App purchase but then the engine I use hasn’t supported it yet)

2. There will be more endings. Not only, love, normal, and bad (like when you make a false selection), but also 4 type of true endings… WHAT 4??? Yes. They are all true ending, but it will differ based on your choice, since your choice will determine the Main Character’s type like what I said before. Seme or Uke and Female or…

3. Male! So yes, I’m considering to make BL ending at this route! If you worry about the MC doing sth like sex surgery in reality, don’t worry it won’t be happened. The condition, situation within this route is different. *I can’t say it in detail because it would be a huge spoiler!!

4. You might know what happened after Akio, Takashi and Kuon route. Errmm…. I don’t know yet if I will make a quite long after story since it is already quite long itself (kurenai route).

Hope you like it!


Some release and current progress

It’s been quite long since the last time I’ve updated my site. March? ^^; I kinda feel I wrote more at tumblr lately.

Anyway, first I’d like to introduce some apps I’ve recently released (・ω・)

East Tower (Android) ←Click to jump to Google Play
Currently Available routes: Akio and Takashi


East Tower – Kuon ←Click to jump to AppStore
*not that new but I haven’t announced this on this blog… so ^^; 

And the current process:

I’m now writing the plot for East Tower – Kurenai. This one, might be the longest East Tower I’ve ever made. I have a few of ideas of East Tower – Kurenai that might change later, depends on the situation:

1. You can make the mc aggresive (seme) or passive(uke) depends on your choice.

2. There will be 2 big parts, the stage1~7 like what you know and the part where east tower run into chaos.

3. There are after story of other characters. (might be disposed if I have no time)

4. Some animals will appear and they might have big roles.

5. There will be more than 2 ending (normal and love)

6. Harem ending? (I’m still considering this but it might be hard to make)

Well then! Hope you like it 😀