About East Tower

I saw a lot of comments which say East Tower’s main character, Sakuya is a transgender.

She is not :/

The theme of this game is more about, how to accept your true self.

The MC, Sakuya is born in an old fashioned Asian family.
It’s a family which think that a girl should speak using “watashi”, should wear dress, should be able to cook etc.
That kind of family might be rare now, but it is not completely disappeared.
If you want more extreme examples; there is still family which says that a wife is obligated to wake up earlier before her husband to prepare the breakfast, or need to wake up earlier than her mother in law. Or father who said that a  girl need to be able to take care of the housework because she must be a housewife in a future.
I’ve heard many stories like that; and many said that she wished to be born as a man.
Sakuya, is someone like them.

So why is she dressing like a man?
It’s comfortable to her, and beside that she wants to show a rebellion towards that custom. A kind of her stupid ego.

She choose to transform into a man in East Tower, only because she is curious and wants to know how will she feel if she looks like that.
It’s a game after all, you even can be an animal or others if you want to 😀

“She is a tomboy but then she turns into a feminine after she falls in love.”
She only tried to be more honest to herself :/

[spoiler title=”Spoiler” open=”0″ style=”1″]
In Akio: She stops her stupid ego and chooses to put a slight make-up, like what she wanted to.
In Takashi: It seems she has already been awesome to him from the beginning, and she simply decided to change her fashion to cute boyish fashion.
In Kuon: She doesn’t really change. But she also doesn’t hide what she really wants.
In Kurenai: No, I won’t tell you LOL[/spoiler]

I wrote this just to clarify some misunderstanding :/

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