New Logo and Important Information about the Mobile Apps

Renewal of ROSEVERTE logo

Like some of you might have noticed, ROSEVERTE renewed the website, logo and more others this year. You can see the new logo as below.

There will be another logo for the “Roseverte Mystery” which will contain the CAFE 0 series. This will be announced again later.

Important Information Regarding the Mobile Apps

All Roseverte Apps in multiple languages, will be combine as one apps for each title, with the English app as the base program. The non-English versions will be discontinued from May 2019, although people who has purchased it will still be able to access the game from iCloud/ Google Play- My App. Those are still playable, as the game doesn’t need any online server since the beginning. The new app which supports multi languages will be available shortly, starting from HTFALK Android ver. which will be released this week.

The reasons for this are two:

  1.  It’s iOS rule from late few years, which caused the non-English app on iOS are unable to be updated. Android ver. will follow the same format in the future, to match the same build.
  2. There are too many apps to update and manage every time Google has a new rule to force update to match their new SDK. By combining the app into multi languages version, it would be easier to manage them.

iOS version:
Kokouta and HTFALK won’t get affected by this. An update of Cafe 0 series and others will be prepared later. HTTOYM update will take a while as the game supports 7 languages.
English version save data will still be usable even if the app is updated to support multi languages.

Android version:
Kokouta will not get affected by this. HTFALK English version will be updated this week, and other apps will follow later.
HTTOYM update will take a while as the game supports 7 languages.
English version save data will still be usable even if the app is updated to support multi languages.
If you bought the non-English app in last 1 year, you can repurchase the multi languages app then tell me your google account email to ask for a refund for the non-multi language version. (1 year counted from the date you ask for a refund) This is not doable on iOS version.

Thank you for your attention 

2 thoughts on “New Logo and Important Information about the Mobile Apps”

  1. Wow! This site has changed a lot, and so has your logo it seems. I’d say the logo fits a lot better with the site, or just the newer games in general. Being stuck in 2011 though, haven’t actually got around to try any of these new games though.

    But I like that duplicity is still very visible. Not all developers are proud of their past work and show it as nicely as you do in this site. c:

    1. Thank you for coming back to this site! I actually was thinking to remove duplicity, but again since there’s still some people who are grateful and pleased by the game, I decided to keep it on my site. I only removed the free one because I heard it doesn’t support win 10. Actually I want to update the whole game official sites to work well on smartphones too, but there are too many to updates since I have 10 games now 😂
      I hope you’ll like my new games too. There would be a great improvement on Roseverte games in this year or next year, hopefully 😂

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