About the newest development info.

Hi again. Sorry for not updating the blog for a quite long time.

Well, actually I really hoped to not make this post but, I think I need to let you know what happen about my current situation.

People who has been following my tumblr might have already noticed this, but I’m currently stuck in Kyoto, Japan, without my main computer because an accident happened to my dad at March 28th, which made him completely paralyzed. My mom can’t speak Japanese well so I’ve been here since then to take care of paper works and translating the doctor’s explanation.
My dad is much better now. He once also got pneumonia as a complication to the surgery but it’s already cured.
Now he needs to concentrate to the rehabilitation until the beginning of August, which means I’ll still be here until then.

This situation kinda messed up my former plans. Things that are delayed:
1. East Tower affiliates (I’m trying to use my old backup, and if it’s possible I might start it at June)
2. East Tower Japanese version (Win/Mac) (I won’t be able to continue making this until August)
3. Production of the new Cafe 0 (I can only start designing the game for now, but the composer has finished making a draft song for the game OP.)

I also plan to make a short cute fantasy romance visual novel (otome game), but I won’t draw the characters (currently I ask Bakufu to design it), but I might design the clothes.
This otome game is a new try for me, since usually I made everything myself. I did this because in future, if my dad ask me to help him, I might not be able to make VN full-time like now.
If could, I hope to draw the BG myself, but if I have not enough time, I might use some BG materials.
I really hope everything to run smoothly.

Thank you again for your attention, and I’m sorry for all of the delays.




6 thoughts on “About the newest development info.”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to your dad. Glad that he’s better now. I’m a big fan of your work, but family comes first. It’s really amazing how you managed to pull every thing together. Hope everythings turn out well. Best wishes:)

    1. Thanks. Please be patient 🙂 I’m preparing a new game though I won’t draw the characters like before. My dad is a lot better but I will still be stuck here until Oct or Nov. Hope everything’s okay 🙂

  2. All the best wishes for the recovery of your dad. My sister bought me Cafe Zero and Duplicity – Beyond the lies from Tremor games. A question that interests me: Is this a fair payment method (underpriced?)? I voted on Greenlight for Cafe Zero. I loved to play it (I never yearned so much for a true ending like in this game). I´m also satified with the artstyle (like the little bit washed-out art, it fits especially in the more “creepy” scenes). IMHO I think it doesn´t hurt to submit Duplicity – Beyond the lies on Greenlight as well. If I buy it on your site (Cafe 0) can I have a steam-key when it gets greenlit (will buy it anyway again)? Sorry I got too enthusiastic. What I really want/should say is this:
    Take your time, put your family first to everything, don´t overwork yourself.
    Best regards Zauberin2

    1. Thank you 🙂 Actually I didn’t know what is tremor games until I searched that site. It seems it’s a reseller, which sells Cafe 0 games they bought within a game bundle. (In bundle promotion it cost for about a buck or more.) I’m planning to give the steam access for people who already owned the game, if they can proof that they have the official copy. So, if you get the game access key (and can register to the member site) you can also get the Steam key if it’s greenlit.

      About dUpLicity, I actually pretty confused if I should put it on greenlight or not ^^; Let me consider about that again.

      My dad is doing well, yet I might still be stuck here until Oct or Nov. Thank you again for your attention 🙂

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