Hi there.
It’s been quite a long time. Sorry, lately I’m too much occupied with my development work and failed to update my blog frequently. For people who are following my tumblr, I bet you got my updates more frequently there, though maybe there are too many discount posts of my games.
Anyway, some of you might have noticed that I’m developing a game called How to Fool a Liar King now. The posts below might be a copy paste from my tumblr, so it might be not really important for people who have already checked on it 🙂
First : About the Cast
Heroine will be voiced by Megurika Kawanishi while Juli, like always will be voiced by Kon.
Lilia/Leea might make a short appearance at one of the endings. Both of them and the new character, Lio will be voiced by Eruru Takeda.
Mars and Ronan will also appear in the game, together with the luccretia princess, Myana.
You can see the rest of the cast from the post below:
Second : Copy Paste from tumblr
So I just announced the new VA who will join the line!
Gao, Lilia’s Father will be voiced by Naoto Takeda. You might’ve heard him from Pirate Mermaids. He also appeared in Ryuu ga Gotoku, Taiko no Tatsujin and others.
Simon will be voiced by Zex Flaga. He barely started being a net seiyuu (he did took seiyuu class and other before, but his career as VA maybe kind of shallow compared to other cast) but his voice matched what I want from Simon, and his secret “alternate” identity.
Leona VA will be announced later because of some circumstances. She is super good I promise <3
I finished the translation for prologue and half of chapter 1. Hope to finish chapter 1 translation today.
The vocal song is a bit delayed because of recording environment issue. Yano san really works and trains a lot to sing the princess song, and no.real’s song just… charming. I wonder if I should make a short video for this. There is a slight problem regarding the recording environment, so maybe we will rent a studio to get better quality for the song. It’s really a good song and I want to finish it in a best condition ^^
The theme song, I already get the vocal name and other but the song itself hasn’t been finished. Will announce more after I got more details.
I will update the official site later once I’ve done with the translation.
Please let me focus first to the development 🙂
Third: PVs
I planned to add them to the official site, but sadly I don’t get enough time for that yet.
This is the PVs of the game from youtube, I hope you to enjoy them 🙂
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PPIWvUM7AQ”]
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wuygONSVLw”]
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0ITWjLnNnU”]