Category Archives: New Game Information

About the new game development

How to Take Off Your Mask French Ver. and How to Sing to Open Your Heart German Ver. are now available on Steam!

It’s a coincidence but the two translations are finished at the same day!
Now the first game from Story of Eroolia series, “How to Take Off Your Mask” is available in French! It’s the seventh language which is supported by this game! Thank you so much to Mayrice Delforge!

while the third game from the same series, “How to Sing to Open Your Heart” is now available in German! Thank you so much to Marcel Weyers!

How to Sing to Open Your Heart is now RELEASED!!!!

Yay! It’s finally released just like the plan!
I’m really glad all bugs and issues are managed to be solved before the release.

…Oh (〃▽〃)ポッ

The game is now released and having [b]10% OFF[/b] discount for the first week launch. Don’t forget you can also get it in bundle with the wonderful theme song!

Beside the hidden secret… which might be too spoilery to reveal, what I would recommend most in this game is, absolutely Ludovic <3 I can’t wait to see how you will react of his action.

Enjoy and I hope you like the game!

Again please see the opening movie again (sorry if I’m too persistent!!) because I really like it myself XD

How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Dev Blog 4

Happy New Year everyone!
The release is getting closer and I will report about the recent progress of the game :3
There are some changes I decided and some bugs fixing that I need to finish in past few weeks, therefore I apology for the lateness of the update.

💖Current Progress💖

All finished beside things below:
English Version Beta Testing: 50%
Japanese Version Beta Confirmation (Bugs have been fixed, but need one more time final confirmation)
Voice: 93% (stuff to retake only)

💖What Will Be Changed💖

  • In-game singing movie will be removed.
    This is formerly something I planned to add if the crowdfunding was successful. Sadly, it was failed. I was thinking to push myself to keep the in-game additional movie (Myana singing scene like in the previous game), but it takes more workload than what I’ve imagined. Based on the beta test result, there is nothing weird even if there’s no in-game singing movie. Therefore I decided to go on without it.
  • In-game term: Research institute chief > Research institute director.
    Some people told me that “chief” is usually only used within military related institute. That’s why the term “chief” here will be changed by “director”. I believe you might have seen the same word too at the previous games, and they will be fixed as well later.
  • Button sound will only be played when you click the button.
    I have already tried to fix the annoying button sounds at HTFALK, but I still got a feedback that it’s still bothering when the mouse pointer accidentally hovers a button. Now you will only hear the sound when you click the button.
  • “Continue to the next chapter?” message now will only appear for a moment then automatically forward you to the next chapter.
    The message now will not ask you to choose, but after showing the current stat, it will forward to the next chapters automatically and won’t bother your auto mode.

💖New Demo💖

So, as the result of the beta test, there will be a slight change in the demo, like the line breaks, and some new term. A new demo will be ready in a few days. Although, there will be no difference in the story. Just a slight change to make the flows better. Also, extras menu will be updated with locked images or music that will be unlocked later in the full version.

💖A Week and Few Days Before the Release💖

Are you ready?
To be honest I’m very nervous at this moment.
There is no major bug as far, and I hope it would be smooth until the release ><
It still takes a while, but I’ll do my best!
And last…

Wait… what is this place? 😗😗😗
Be sure to find more about it within the game~❤

How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Dev Blog 3

Hi again 💖
This time I want to talk more about the next route, the “Teamwork Route” within the game.

💖Current Progress💖

All finished beside things below:
Japanese Beta Test: 50%
In-game Movie: 0%
English Version Programming: 30%
Voice: 90% (stuff to retake only)

💖Teamwork Route💖

The Teamwork route is the other route within the game, which is a bit longer than the other one.
The route is started with the disappearance of the black cat, which force Myana to solve her problems with the help from the other characters.
The relationship between Myana and Ludovic will develop eventually while she tries to find out the secret of the research institute.

💖Princess Anna💖

Myana will meet Princess Anna more within this route.
As someone who belongs to the research institute, she might hide something which is related to the luccretias.

💖The Research Center💖

Myana will visit the research center for the first time within this route.
Sadly, the documents and research here are way too complicated, that might be hard to understand for people who have no relation with the research.

Don’t forget to try the demo 😀

How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Dev Blog 2

Hi again 😘
This time I want to talk more about the first route, the “Independent Route” within the game.

💖Current Progress💖

All finished beside things below:
Programming: 85%
Cut Scenes: 70%
CGs: 70%
Alpha Test: 63%
In-game Movie: 0%
Beta Test: 0%
English Version Programming: 5%
Voice: 90% (stuff to retake only)

💖Independent Route💖

Independent Route is one of the two available routes.
Basically Myana will choose to act alone to achieve her goal within this route.
The story will focus more in the mental struggle, conflicts within Myana and Ludovic, and their resolutions.

💖Ludovic Past💖

Like what you saw on the PV and Demo, Ludovic is not friendly towards luccretias.
There’s something in his past which is the reason of his behavior, which cause conflict in his self about his current actions and choices.
You will find more about it in this route.

💖The Enemy HQ💖

This place might be familiar to whom who has played How to Take Off Your Mask. It’s not the same place but it’s a place nearby with similar atmosphere.
You’ll see more about this place in this route.


In Independent Route, Myana’s guard position will be replaced from Leona to Simon. You will also see Simon in his human form, and find more about his secret.

Don’t forget to try the demo here:

And the previous games here:


How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Demo and OP Movie is now released!

How to Sing to Open Your Heart (kokouta)’s demo is now released for Win/ Mac!



Itch io:



Demo length is around 30 minutes, and contains the prologue chapter, with 2 bonus chapters for each Independent and Teamwork routes.

Some new characters like Ludovic and Anna, Juli’s sister, will appear as well, beside those you might know previously from How to Fool a Liar King or How to Take Off Your Mask.

The main game itself is scheduled to be released at January 17th, 2019.


Don’t forget to check the Opening Movie!

How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Dev Blog 1

Hi. It’s been a while since the last update, and I decide to write the development blog of “How to Sing to Open Your Heart (Kokouta)” here, to inform you more about the upcoming game.


💖About Main Game Release💖

First, I’m very sorry that I couldn’t release the game within this year, as what I previously planned. The new release date would be 2019 January 17th.

💖About Demo Release💖

I’m doing my best in polishing the demo now, and if there’s no further issue happened, the demo should be release at November 15th, which means within this month! At this moment, only the opening movie left to finish the demo.

💖Current Progress💖

Scenario (Japanese & English) : 100%
Art: All beside the CGs and some cut scenes.
Movie: OP Movie 80% Additional in-game movie 0%
Voices: 90% (All finished beside stuff to retakes)
Programming: 42%
Theme Song: 100%

💖New Costumes💖

There will be several new costumes for the characters.
Myana will get 2 additional costumes, while Lilia and Lio one.
Other characters might also get additional costume later depends on the situation they are.

💖 I hope you’ll like it! 💖

How to Fool a Liar King UPDATE!


Sample Menu Screen for “How to Fool a Liar King”.

Honestly, I have no idea how could it becomes so fancy XD
I was thinking to make it similar like HTTOYM at first, with mainly white and pale colors, but looking at Regina and Juli… just made me feel I need to give these two “MORE” XD

I hope you’ll like this(*´ω`*)

The game is progressed quite slow, as I’m still adjusting here and there, but i hope it won’t be postponed long (・_・;) Well… I hope it won’t be postponed but then the final programming and voice edit might take time.

Anyway, translation is done, all bgs are done, CG is like 5 done? all vocal songs done, too bad I still need to make 2 more movies? scripting shouldn’t take too long… hopefully… if i can resist my inner desire to add more things here and there XD

How to Fool a Liar King

Hi there.

It’s been quite a long time. Sorry, lately I’m too much occupied with my development work and failed to update my blog frequently. For people who are following my tumblr, I bet you got my updates more frequently there, though maybe there are too many discount posts of my games.

Anyway, some of you might have noticed that I’m developing a game called How to Fool a Liar King now. The posts below might be a copy paste from my tumblr, so it might be not really important for people who have already checked on it 🙂

First : About the Cast

Heroine will be voiced by Megurika Kawanishi while Juli, like always will be voiced by Kon.
Lilia/Leea might make a short appearance at one of the endings. Both of them and the new character, Lio will be voiced by Eruru Takeda.
Mars and Ronan will also appear in the game, together with the luccretia princess, Myana.
You can see the rest of the cast from the post below:

Second : Copy Paste from tumblr

So I just announced the new VA who will join the line!

Gao, Lilia’s Father will be voiced by Naoto Takeda. You might’ve heard him from Pirate Mermaids. He also appeared in Ryuu ga Gotoku, Taiko no Tatsujin and others.

Simon will be voiced by Zex Flaga. He barely started being a net seiyuu (he did took seiyuu class and other before, but his career as VA maybe kind of shallow compared to other cast) but his voice matched what I want from Simon, and his secret “alternate” identity.

Leona VA will be announced later because of some circumstances. She is super good I promise <3

I finished the translation for prologue and half of chapter 1. Hope to finish chapter 1 translation today.

The vocal song is a bit delayed because of recording environment issue. Yano san really works and trains a lot to sing the princess song, and no.real’s song just… charming. I wonder if I should make a short video for this. There is a slight problem regarding the recording environment, so maybe we will rent a studio to get better quality for the song. It’s really a good song and I want to finish it in a best condition ^^

The theme song, I already get the vocal name and other but the song itself hasn’t been finished. Will announce more after I got more details.

I will update the official site later once I’ve done with the translation.
Please let me focus first to the development 🙂

Third: PVs

I planned to add them to the official site, but sadly I don’t get enough time for that yet.
This is the PVs of the game from youtube, I hope you to enjoy them 🙂

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Meet Noir, the new waiter of the CAFE 0

Wow, I just realized that I haven’t updated my blog here for quite a long time.

I’m so sorry. It’s pretty hard to maintain couple of social media platform and the blog in 2 languages.

Anyway, like what you might now from my twitter etc, now I’m at the middle of developing CAFE 0 ~The Sleeping Beast~, and I will introduce you the waiter who will be in charge this time.

A bit about the waiter, Noir.

Like Sui, Noir is not human.
He always think that human is troublesome, since they have a lot of think to consider before taking an action.
Especially the main character this time, Corliss.

Corliss is not the type of human who will think a lot before taking an action.
Instead she is the type of human who will do what people told her.
Until now she feels it is comfortable, but at the time she died, she doesn’t even realize of her death and has no clue if she should die in peace or not.
This irritated Noir a lot, since if she keeps being stuck at the Cafe 0, it means his job is not done yet.

He sends Corliss back to the seven days before she died, and forces her to find the hints which he uses to choose the past event to show within her dream.

Is there any meaning of watching the past event like watching a movie?
Maybe not, maybe yes.

Remember, he is not a human and he is waiting you to play.

“I have work to do so just go with the flow.” –Noir


*Sorry for my broken English.