Current Progress



Okay I’m really surprised when I found out that the last time I updated this blog is Oct 2014.
It’s around half year ago!!! orz…

I’m very sorry. There are too many things to do and I hardly update this blog.

Well then, to be truth I’m not sure from where I should start.
Maybe a lot of you has already known about the cafe 0 and duplicity release on Steam, so maybe I’d better speak about the next game.

The game, “How to Take Off Your Mask” is still in development.
My target is to release it at late Spring 2015, though if something happened I might postpone it until Summer 2015.
You can check the official website at here.
The length is  between Kuon and Kurenai route from East Tower.
Maybe some people are wondering if it will be like East Tower, a continuing story.
I must say… well… it might sound like it, but it will really end.
The case is finished within the game, and about the continuation, it all depends on the players’ reaction if I need to continue it or not.
Even if there’s a continuation in future, you won’t need to play the first game to understand the story.
Of course I want to make the continuation if I could, but I don’t want to only make this game for years like what I did with East Tower.
You’d better imagine a short story shoujo manga if you want to know what will this be.
My concept within this game is 1MC x 1 romancable guy. Don’t expect to romance the side characters within this game yet.
The side characters, might be the main romancable for the continuation game (with different MC).

And then for the current process:
Most of the sprites are done, also the scenario and the translation.
I only need to have it proofread and also I still need the CGs to be done.
If there’s nothing happened, I might release the PV at the end of this month of beginning of next month.
I plan to start a greenlight campaign once the PV and screenshots ready 🙂

For the East Tower which just got greenlit:
I won’t release this game so soon on Steam.
There are a lot of thing to test, and I want to finish the new game first before make the Steam version.
…And I still need to make the new Cafe 0 swt. Sometime I really hope if I can do kagebunshin no jutsu.

Okay then, see you next time 🙂


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