How to Sing to Open Your Heart – Dev Blog 2

Hi again 😘
This time I want to talk more about the first route, the “Independent Route” within the game.

💖Current Progress💖

All finished beside things below:
Programming: 85%
Cut Scenes: 70%
CGs: 70%
Alpha Test: 63%
In-game Movie: 0%
Beta Test: 0%
English Version Programming: 5%
Voice: 90% (stuff to retake only)

💖Independent Route💖

Independent Route is one of the two available routes.
Basically Myana will choose to act alone to achieve her goal within this route.
The story will focus more in the mental struggle, conflicts within Myana and Ludovic, and their resolutions.

💖Ludovic Past💖

Like what you saw on the PV and Demo, Ludovic is not friendly towards luccretias.
There’s something in his past which is the reason of his behavior, which cause conflict in his self about his current actions and choices.
You will find more about it in this route.

💖The Enemy HQ💖

This place might be familiar to whom who has played How to Take Off Your Mask. It’s not the same place but it’s a place nearby with similar atmosphere.
You’ll see more about this place in this route.


In Independent Route, Myana’s guard position will be replaced from Leona to Simon. You will also see Simon in his human form, and find more about his secret.

Don’t forget to try the demo here:

And the previous games here:


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