Meet Noir, the new waiter of the CAFE 0

Wow, I just realized that I haven’t updated my blog here for quite a long time.

I’m so sorry. It’s pretty hard to maintain couple of social media platform and the blog in 2 languages.

Anyway, like what you might now from my twitter etc, now I’m at the middle of developing CAFE 0 ~The Sleeping Beast~, and I will introduce you the waiter who will be in charge this time.

A bit about the waiter, Noir.

Like Sui, Noir is not human.
He always think that human is troublesome, since they have a lot of think to consider before taking an action.
Especially the main character this time, Corliss.

Corliss is not the type of human who will think a lot before taking an action.
Instead she is the type of human who will do what people told her.
Until now she feels it is comfortable, but at the time she died, she doesn’t even realize of her death and has no clue if she should die in peace or not.
This irritated Noir a lot, since if she keeps being stuck at the Cafe 0, it means his job is not done yet.

He sends Corliss back to the seven days before she died, and forces her to find the hints which he uses to choose the past event to show within her dream.

Is there any meaning of watching the past event like watching a movie?
Maybe not, maybe yes.

Remember, he is not a human and he is waiting you to play.

“I have work to do so just go with the flow.” –Noir


*Sorry for my broken English.

4 thoughts on “Meet Noir, the new waiter of the CAFE 0”

  1. Hey hey, didn’t think you guys are still making visual novel games, let alone maintain a dev blog! I’m still quite impressed, because usually indies don’t do a lot of stuff before just fading out in the internet.

    On topic though,pondering upon human nature seems to be pretty exciting this time around, especially when it’s made by less-popular companies, because I tend to skip big titles just because they’re popular. That’s quite another thing though.
    I’m not familiar with the series yet (haven’t checked in for a few years), but it sounds like that in the title we’ll be able to look forward to reflecting on decisions made in a hurry, right? That’s great. I’d love to buy one of these once I actually have enough money… exchange rates are terrible.

    p/s:Your English isn’t that broken. It’s quite good, actually!

    1. Well this blog is rarely updated though because of the development has been too busy ^^;
      Thank you for your comment! πŸ™‚

  2. Hi, I’m Brazilian and i love your games.
    I’ll be honest, I’m in love with this waiter, but I know he will not have a route.
    Well I’ll be waiting for the release of this game on steam, I wish much luck.
    I like the mystery that surrounds of your games.

    I wonder if How to take off your mask, will be continued that final left a mystery in the air.

    Its graphics have improved a lot since the first games that you have done, and also thank you for making their games in English as well so that I can play.

    1. Thank you for your message.
      Actually I planned to release How to Take Off Your Mask before CAFE 0 The Sleeping Beast, but then because of the illustrator’s schedule, I have no choice beside changed the order. How to Take Off Your Mask will be continued later after I’ve done with CAFE 0.
      About the graphics, well yes, thanks to the support I got from my former game, finally I manage to hire a great illustrator to help me at the graphic side (I used to draw by myself for earlier games) πŸ™‚ This time I must admit that I use more budget for the game overall, and I can do it only because of the support of all the fans until now πŸ™‚

      I hope you’ll like the game and have a nice day πŸ™‚

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