A summary of what I’m doing lately
Catalina Support
All Roseverte Games on Steam has been updated to work with Mac OS Catalina. There are some issue with Cafe 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ and Duplicity though, so please read the information carefully on Steam.
For the non-Steam version, I haven’t finished to notarize them, but they should work in Catalina until end of this year (since the notarize is mandatory start from next year). Only the non-Steam version of East Tower, duplicity and CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ might not working yet with Mac Catalina as they are quite old and I haven’t touched them for a while (kind of confused though, do people still use them?)
How to Take Off Your Mask iOS ver. now supports Russian!
The review has finished and now it’s available on Appstore!

How to Take Off Your Mask 40% OFF Sale on Steam!
Don’t forget to get the first game within this Eroolia series!

Eroolia Series Website Update
The website is now responsive and can be viewed better on smartphone.
In a near future I plan to update other games’ sites in a similar format too.

I never thought this year will end in just couple of months without I finished any other game T_T There are so many technology support, learning new engine, fixing website, preparation to start selling merchandise and others.
I’m trying to update more info on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/roseverte) though I must admit I’m very slow and it’s mostly about business experience T_T since well… that’s mostly what I’ve done lately T_T
There are still updates to come that I haven’t finished yet.
- Google Play 64 bit supported apps-all apps must be rebuilt and the in app purchase needs to be re-code.
- Roseverte Store updates.
- How to Fool a Liar King French version.
- Catalina support for non Steam games. Considering to only sell at itchio and steam.
- Other games website update.
- Re-coding and remake some assets for 3 games for hidden projects.
- Remake a game from scratch for other hidden project.
- Expanding business in Japan.
- And others I can’t remember because there are too much things to do.
Last, tbh I never thought this year would be the year of “learning”, either the programming, business and others. I hoped to be more productive but maybe a year like this is necessary as well. Though it’s very costly, and kokouta hasn’t break even yet ^^;;;;