Category Archives: Uncategorized

About the dUpLicity and the future games.

First, I put again the vote I asked you below:

[poll id=”10″]

[poll id=”12″]

Okay, then like what you might know, I released dUpLicity ~Beyond the Lies~ yesterday. I know that the story is kinda unique, and maybe not all of the players would like it. It’s pretty dark and serious. That’s why I want to make my next couple games more fun and bright. Yep, it would be adventure with comical touch. I want my player to laugh too beside cry or sad ๐Ÿ™‚

Currently, I have 3 ideas on my head. 1 for smartphones (otome), 1 other otome (dunno for PC or smartphone), and 1 Cafe 0 continuation.

I was planned to add in-app-payment system for the smartphone one, but honestly, I still dunno how to do it. And of course, the biggest problem for smartphone is the file size. I want to make my game fully voiced, which, I’m sure it would take spaces.

Well I guess I’ll use around a month to make a plan of a new smartphone game first a trial. It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t make games for PC anymore, but maybe I’ll take more time for my next game. What kind of game is it? Well… I just hope you’ll like it ๐Ÿ˜€

WordPress error!!!

Okay, I guess a lot of people will be wondering why this site is so full of trouble lately. Seriously, I don’t know. I just tried to delete unused sql database, since I saw a lot of error because of it. (Yeah I’ve been testing so many wordpress and it’s kinda messed up the whole sql) But then I donno why… my blog’s posts also deleted accidentally T^T ugh…. seriously I don’t know why… I just deleted the blog that was directed to wrong url, but then why the one with the correct url also deleted as well??? T^T ย Well anyway I made a new blog now…. to bad I can’t save the old posts I made.

And here is the polls I added on my last blog. Fortunately I managed to somehow saved the plugin setting. I hope you’ll help me on this market research.

[poll id=”10″]

[poll id=”12″]

I’m learning a new engine now, which is a flash based, and seems I can use it to make android and ios app, though, seems it’s harder to code than renpy.
I’m not sure if I will use this to replace renpy yet, since the code is very complex and I need to get familiar with it first. It’s AS3 based though, so you can play in any type of computers ๐Ÿ™‚