Play hours: assumed 1 hours for each character's route.
System: choose one of the choices to continue to the next story. (There's no mini game implemented)

Explanation for each route:
œYouji's Route > This is the most common route. There's no  sex appeal and made with a concept so you can play it easy.
œKouichi's Route >  More complex and serious than Youji's Route. We targeted this route for the older audience.

The story itself is not completely finished yet.
This is our first game, and we planned to make the shareware version that will be distributed through online download, depends on the market reaction.

Thank you.

English    Japanese
Walkthrough: (Please highlight the text below to read)

*Youji Route*
He's cool, like always
Ah, no prob. I trust you, Youji.
Chase the dog.
Follow him (#Save 1)
What do you mean? | Liar!!! (BAD ED2)
But your wound... (Youji End ED4) | No, Kouichi sama... (BAD ED3)

*Kouichi Route*
Finally he's come back!!!
I hope this is the last time they interfere with us
Let the dog go (#Save 2)
Wait for Kouichi sama | Go back first (BAD ED1)
Asking about the previous kiss
Follow them | Let them go (BAD ED5)
Not leaving this place (Kouichi End ED7) |  Go to leave with Youji (BAD ED6)